

Google Cloud Landing Zone Platform - Infrastructure as Code
By Brett 18 Dec, 2023
A well-designed Google Cloud landing zone is fundamental for running workloads in the cloud and will prevent technical debt as you scale your cloud infrastructure. The landing zone will provide a defined team interaction mode of Google-Cloud-as-a-Service to stream-aligned and platform teams.
GitHub Organization Management Platform - Infrastructure as Code
By Brett 18 Dec, 2023
Managing thousands of repositories across hundreds of users in GitHub can become very complex and tedious. You'll want basic naming conventions on repositories and teams, ways to manage users in those teams, roles, and security settings enforced as a minimum. The Terraform provider for GitHub allows us to manage our GitHub organization as a platform, just like any other infrastructure. Doing this will reduce technical debt when onboarding and provide a defined team interaction mode of GitHub-as-a-Service.
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